Photo Gallery
Chainsaws & Stem Injection
African Olive and Stem Injection
African Olive and Stem Injection 2
African Olive chainsaw stem injection
African Olive chainsaw stem injection
African Olive stem injection
Gleditsia A : prep with chainsaw
Gleditsia A : prep with chainsaw
Gleditsia A : Stem injecting
Gleditsia A : Stem injecting
Gleditsia plume pre treatment
Gleditsia post treatment
Gleditsia post treatment
Salix cinerea after herbicide treatment
Salix cinerea after herbicide treatment
Salix cinerea after herbicide treatment
Salix cinerea before/ after 1
Salix cinerea before/ after 2
Salix cinerea before/ after 3
Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) Injection via
Willow removal and native replanting
Willow removal and native replanting
Willow stem injecting
Willow stem injecting tidying lower branches
African Olive stem injection