The Bushdoctor NSW

Blue-banded Bee caption Beetle Newnes Platues after 2013 fires Flannel flower eastern water dragon

Experience ~ Central West

Capertee Valley – Ongoing 4-year target weed eradication program treating Honey Locust across all tenures (including road reserves) in Glen Davis and on the Capertee River. Revegetation works assisting with the threatened Regent Honeyeater Recovery Program (HNCMA/Lithgow City Council)

TrainingCoxs River – Seasonal-trial treatments (and removal) of Crack Willow on Coxs River properties below Lake Wallace, Wallerawang and revegetation. (Sydney Catchment Authority)

Jenolan Caves – Supervision and training of up to 30 volunteers for bi-annual Sycamore control weekends (Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust/NPWS)

Lake Pillans Reserve - Constructed wetland rehabilitation and restoration works through targeted Willow and weed management, revegetation, and transplanting. Production of Management Strategy for future priorities and maintenance (Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association)

Newnes Plateau – Targeted Pine wilding control, swamp restoration, soft-engineering works, bush regeneration and Landcare Group support within Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamps at Clarence and Dargan (Lithgow & Blue Mountains City Councils)

Lithgow LGA – Threatened species works incorporating bush regeneration and habitat restoration for the Purple Copper Butterfly across numerous private and public lands in the Lithgow Local Government Area (Lithgow City Council/RTA/HNCMA)

Schools PlantingRiver Lett Catchment - Weed mapping, bush regeneration, track rationalisation, brush-matting, direct-seeding and revegetation works across five Reserves in the River Lett catchment (Lithgow City Council), and targeted bush regeneration works across four adjacent properties (HNCMA)

Tuglow & Hollanders Rivers – Willow and noxious weed control across multiple private properties along 19kms of Rivers in co-operation with NPWS and private landholders (HNCMA)

Wolgan Valley – Targeted Crack, Black and Pussy Willow and woody weed control, across multiple tenures along 8kms of the Wolgan River in conjunction with agency, landholders and volunteer Groups (HNCMA)


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