Experience ~ Blue Mountains Region
Heritage Walking Track Remediation – Stabilising and remediating high-visibility heritage walking track from Echo Point (4kms) installing water bars, sediment control structures, re-instating steps, walking surfaces, risers and treads (NPWS/DECC)
Jamison Creek – Three-year bush regeneration project in Blue Mountains Water Skink habitat, riparian areas, swamps and woodland communities. Revegetation and erosion control along upper sections of Jamison Creek Wentworth Falls. (Blue Mountains City Council)
Katoomba ‘Scenic World’ - Sassafras/Coachwood Temperate Rainforest rehabilitation in the Jamison Valley post-construction of the Sceniscender tourist ride. Bush regeneration, seedling transplanting and ongoing weed management throughout the complex area (Scenic World)
Kedumba River – Remote area work undertaking environmental weed control in drinking water catchment Special Areas. (DECC)
Long Angle/Frasers/Sun Valley Creeks – Protective fencing and regeneration works through shale-based EECs on multiple private properties and public lands (Blue Mountains City Council)
Noxious Weed Control – Targeted noxious weed control on 2kms of the Great Western Highway at Leura (McMahons Services)
Private lands – Weed management, bush regeneration, extension support and production of 3-year Weed Management Plans across private lands (HNCMA)
Summerhayes Park/Else Mitchell Reserve – Bush regeneration, rock-lined channel construction and revegetation works in Blue Mountains Shale Cap, Turpentine-Ironbark and Shale-Sandstone Transition Forests (Blue Mountains City Council)
Swamp Rehabilitation Workshops – installation of soft-engineering structures within Upland Temperate Peat Swamp on Sandstone systems demonstrating techniques to contractors, agency staff and volunteers with guest-speakers (Blue Mountains City Council)
Upper Blue Mountains – High-volume weed spraying, noxious weed control, native species transplanting, bush regeneration, brushmatting and landscaping of decommissioned sewerage pumping stations in the upper Blue Mountains (PSP)
Upper Kedumba River – Two-year riparian restoration project consisting of locally provenanced seed collected for 20,000 plants; planted as virocells, standard and long-stem tubestock. Streambank armouring and erosion control works installing brush groins and coir logs. (Blue Mountains City Council)
Weed Mapping Project – ‘Blue-Space’ - Data collection and mapping of numerous catchments throughout the Blue Mountains LGA. Data included weed species & density, native plant species, community type and structure, and degrading impacts (Blue Mountains City Council)
Willow Eradication Program - Targeting seeding Willow species on public lands across the Blue Mountains Local Government Area (Blue Mountains City Council)